UNIBO (www.unibo.it) was founded in 1088 and is considered to be the oldest University in the Western World. UNIBO is organised in Departments, schools and Interdepartmental structures for research and/or education.
The Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Research in Building and Construction (CIRI-EC) is part of the network of facilities for research and innovation of the Emilia Romagna Region dedicated to industrial research and technology transfer. CIRI Building and Construction provides detailed answers to the issue of integration between the demands of the business world and the production and research. CIRI provides scientific and technical support to promote innovation in civil constructions, new and existing buildings, including historic and heritage ones.
In e-SAFE, UNIBO leads the work package dedicated to conceiving and prototyping the e-SAFE technologies (WP3), where they have a central role in the development of numerical models and their validation through laboratory tests. UNIBO is also responsible for all activities concerning the definition and the design of the technical systems and contributes to the activity dedicated to the ICT infrastructure, to defining the algorithms included in the e-DSS for assisting the preliminary co-design. Finally, UNIBO participates to the training and the scientific dissemination activities.