e-SAFE is honored to be invited at the 6th insightful webinar of the Zero-Emission Buildings Academy series! The webinar will explore the project's unique approach to seismic and energy renovations in earthquake-prone European regions.  

The webinar, organised by Leonardo Energy, BPIE, ECTP and ECI, will delve into e-SAFE's innovative technical solutions, implementation protocols, and financial tools to address the dual challenges of seismic retrofitting and energy renovation in earthquake-prone areas. 

Co-Designing with Students and Residents 

In 2021, the e-SAFE project began its exciting journey by involving students and residents in the co-design of renovation plans for a high school in Timisoara and a multifamily building in Catania. Their involvement brought user-centric, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions to the forefront. 

During the webinar, speakers from e-SAFE will highlight the advantages of including citizens in the renovation process, fostering a sense of community involvement and ownership while achieving better outcomes. 

Event Details 

Mark your calendars for this exciting opportunity to hear about e-SAFE co-design process directly from project partners! 

  • Date: November 7, 2023 
  • Time: 14.00 - 15.00 CET 
  • Registration: online form

Discover the valuable lessons learned from the e-SAFE project, including challenges faced and success achieved during the co-design process! 



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