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Found 66 results.

Mar, 20 2024 (v1) Project deliverable Open Access

Deliverable D3.4 - BIM-based abacus of solutions

Distefano, Dario Luigi; Iannantuono, Marco;

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This report aims to present and describe the abacus of the BIM objects of the main components used in the e-SAFE system: e-CLT, e-PANEL, e-TANK. The choice to work in a BIM environment is dictated by the scope of extending the effectiveness of the e-SAFE project to several buildings on which many designers and companies are working, in every part of Europe, as foreseen in the Grant Agreement (Gag). Revit's BIM environment is suitable for this purpose, allowing the exchange of appropriately coded parametric files.
According to this encoding of parameters, an abacus of parametric objects referring to the e-SAFE components has been constructed within Task 3.4. All the construction elements of the e-SAFE system are modelled in parametric form as a BIM object. A BIM object is a group of elements with a common set of properties (parameters) and an associated graphical representation (in 2D plan, elevation and section and 3D), normally referred in Revit as family. The families are created in Revit version 2022 in the *.rfa (Revit family) format and are made available to the project partners in the interchange platform, at the link:

The families will be applied in the detailed design of the virtual pilots

Mar, 20 2024 (v1) Project deliverable Open Access

Deliverable D2.5 - Report of the co-learning and engagement activities

Saija, Laura; Vivani, Laura; Pavone, Venera;

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The word “co-design” refers to a participatory, co-creative, and open design approach where building’s end-users directly collaborate through the entire design process with design experts, so that they can together identify the best solutions within a common framework.
Co-design has been utilized for the design of the e-SAFE pilot, in the city of Catania, through an approach that prioritizes ‘mutual learning’: both residents and designers learn from each other through the cyclical interaction with each other during the creative process. Designers learn from residents about their needs, preferences, and practical uses of space, while residents learn from experts why and what can or should be done – in terms of technical constraints or procedures. The report describes the activities from July 2020 and until December 2022, which were composed by:
• an engagement phase aimed at reaching out to residents and reaching an agreement with them on how to collaborate (July-October 2020);
• a preliminary co-analysis phase, during which residents shared with designers a first dataset on their homes and consumption habits, while experts shared information on which interventions were covered by e-safe and which were not covered (September 2020 and, after a break due to covid restrictions, spring 2021);
• an intense 10-day-long collaborative workshop in collaboration with UNICT researchers and students as well as local professional associations; the outcome of the workshop was a set of design preferences shared by all residents (September-October 2021).
• a subsequent phase during which designers developed the preliminary design while engaging residents in periodic co-design meetings aimed at discussing specific topics: the urgent need to remove verandas and to identify the exact localization of the new fan coils inside apartments, on March 18th, 2022; confirmation of aesthetics choices for the façade, on April 21st 2022); design choices impacting the use of common spaces and the structural improvement of the whole building, on July 20th, 2022; pros and cons of the new thermal systems, on December 20th 2022.

Jan, 01 2023 (v1) Journal article Open Access

A sub-assembly based technique for calibration of numerical models of infilled r.c. frames according to experimental tests

Barattucci, Samuel; Barbagallo, Francesca; Marino, Edoardo M.; Mazzotti, Claudio; Pozza, Luca; Tardo, Carola;

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Most existing buildings in the Mediterranean area suffer from structural deficiencies and need to be retrofitted. However, a proper selection of the seismic upgrading technique stems from a reliable assessment of seismic response based on accurate numerical models. Furthermore, it is widely accepted that the effect of infill panels  should be considered to properly reproduce the seismic response of buildings with r.c. framed structure. Indeed, several studies have demonstrated that infill panels significantly increase the lateral stiffness of the frame and influence its dissipative capacity and collapse mechanism. Unfortunately, despite all buildings are endowed with infill panels, the contribution of these non-structural elements to the structural response has been often “conservatively” neglected, in favour of computational simplicity. In this framework, this paper presents a technique for calibration of the finite element numerical model of r.c. frames with infill panels based on the results of a quasi-static cyclic experimental test of a prototype infilled frame. The proposed technique is based on a sub-assembly approach and relies of the fact that (1) the response of the system is mainly governed by the infill panel for small amplitude displacements, while (2) it becomes coincident with that of the bare r.c. frame for large amplitude  displacements. Hence, the mechanical properties of the bare frame and those of the infill panel could be separately extracted from the same cyclic response of the
infilled frame. This technique has been here applied for the calibration of the numerical model of a one-bay one-storey r.c. frame with infill panel. A full-scale cyclic test of the infilled frame is also executed and the obtained structural response is assumed as target to be fitted.

Dec, 20 2022 (v1) Journal article Open Access

Technological analysis of a prefabricated timber-based system for the integrated renovation of RC framed buildings


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Most of the building stock in European seismic countries is highly energy-intensive and earthquake-prone since it was built before the enforcement of effective energy and seismic codes. Renovation actions that synergically integrate both energy-efficient and anti-seismic interventions are strongly needed in these countries. However, the  implementation of such interventions is currently limited by barriers that are mostly related to the high cost and invasiveness of traditional seismic retrofit techniques.
A new holistic design approach to the building renovation is required to overcome these barriers. This should result in innovative and integrated retrofit interventions able to specifically meet the needs of cost-effectiveness, quick installation, reduced users’ disruption, and low environmental impact.
In this framework, the use of cross-laminated timber (CLT) has been recently investigated for retrofit purposes in light of its good mechanical and physical performance.
In this research context, this paper illustrates a novel timber-based retrofit technology for RC framed buildings developed within the e-SAFE H2020 project. This technology consists of cladding the external building envelope with a new prefabricated timber-based shell that acts as seismic-resistant and energy-efficient skin, also contributing to renovating the architectural image of the building. The new skin combines structural CLT-based panels – equipped with novel devices for seismic energy dissipation – with non-structural wooden-framed panels. Specifically, this paper presents a construction analysis of the proposed retrofit technology, investigating its technical feasibility,  versatility, and potentialities, as well as possible application limits.

Dec, 15 2023 (v1) Other Open Access

6th e-SAFE Newsletter

Barret, Margaux; Milne, Caroline;

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In this newsletter you will read about many highlights that happened in the last6 months. Early October, e-SAFE hosted a public event in Athens, with speakersfrom leading Greek institutions. This was the opportunity to highlight howcrucial it is to combine seismic safety with energy renovations, and to have afruitful exchange with Greek stakeholders on how they are currentlyaddressing seismic issues, and how e-SAFE could benefit them.
You will also find in this issue some updates on the e-SAFE pilots. In Bucharest,e-SAFE partners will meet with residents in January to discuss together anddecide on an energy efficient and seismic proof renovation solution thatmatches their needs. More on this below.
e-SAFE partners are keeping busy too, spreading the word about the projectduring various events in Brussels and elsewhere. e-SAFE is an active partner ofthe Built4People partnership, which brings together the whole value chain toaccelerate people-centric innovation for a sustainable built environment. Youwill find more about what we’ve been up to below.

Mar, 21 2023 (v1) Conference paper Open Access

Energetic Optimisation of the Domestic Hot Water System in a Residential Building by Means of Dynamic Simulations


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The present study deals with the energetic optimisation of Domestic Hot Water (DHW) system in a residential building located in Catania, Italy. Each dwelling is equipped with a specific decentralised tank with an internal heat exchanger which is connected to a 2-pipe hot water network system for tank charging. The technical water is produced by an Electrical Heat Pump (EHP) coupled to a central storage tank. The energy performance analysis of the DHW model is evaluated by means of dynamic simulations under three different scenarios of charging the decentralised storage tanks by circulating pump unit: Pump activated during daytime, activated twice a day, and activated three times per day. The results obtained allow an evaluation of the DHW consumption profile, temperature variation in central storage and decentralised tanks,  and the annual electrical/thermal energy analysis. The results indicate that the activation of the circulating pump during the day leads to an achievement of the highest amount of thermal energy, as well as having minimum temperature oscillation in both central storage and decentralised tanks. However, these advantages are at the cost of consuming much more electrical energy by the heat pump and up to 29 % higher emissions of CO2. The best scenario in terms of energy-saving and CO2 emission is
the case in which the circulating pump works twice a day, consuming annually 5,832 kWh less electrical energy, compared to the case of an activated pump during the day.

Jul, 04 2023 (v1) Journal article Open Access

Techno-economic analysis of a novel retrofit solution for the domestic hot water system: A comparative study

Jahanbin, Aminhossein; SEMPRINI, GIOVANNI; Goni, Maurizio;

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The retrofit solution for domestic hot water (DHW) system in existing buildings requires to ensure the long-term energy security and efficiency as well as to minimise occupants’ disturbance, construction works and installation costs. In this regard, the present study performs a techno-economic evaluation on a novel retrofit solution for
DHW production in a pilot building. The proposed solution appoints a substantial role to the thermal energy storage through a 2-pipe hot water network utilisable for both DHW and heating purposes. The first storage level is provided by a centralised buffer storage supplied by a PV-BESS-driven heat pump while the second level consists of decentralised modular tanks installed in each dwelling for the production and storage of hot water.
Firstly, experimental thermal performance of the proposed decentralised storages is investigated. By developing a dynamic simulation code, the energy efficiency of the proposed solution is compared to that of the existing system in the pilot building as well to that of a typical centralised system as a benchmark solution. Finally, economic analysis of the retrofit solution is performed to address capital expenditures of the system, including purchasing and installation costs, as well as its life cycle cost (LCC). The obtained results indicate that the proposed system reduces the annual energy consumption for DHW production more than 7,200 kWh, with respect to the existing DHW system. Furthermore, it is shown that, in the proposed system, the fraction of thermal loss from piping network decreases by 31.5%, compared to a typical DHW centralised system. Economic assessment of the proposed solution implies that this system, in terms of both mechanical and electrical components, requires 13.7% lower initial investment than a typical centralised system. However, the cost of control systems in this system is higher since it is inherently a control-based system.

May, 19 2023 (v1) Journal article Open Access

Multi-objective study on an innovative system for domestic hot water production: A pilot building in Southern Europe


Jun, 08 2023 (v1) Other Open Access

e-SAFE 5th Newsletter

Moverim; BPIE;

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The local pilot activities are now in full swing!

In Timișoara, e-SAFE partners worked closely with the students and teachers of Liceul Sportiv Banatul to deliver a detailed renovation project through a co-design process. Ending on a high note, the renovation plan was unveiled during a public event at Politehnica University of Timișoara, with a special feature on Romanian TV.

Nov, 18 2022 (v1) Journal article Open Access

Moisture-Related Risks in Wood-Based Retrofit Solutions in a Mediterranean Climate: Design Recommendations

Urso Alessandra; Costanzo Vincenzo; Nocera Francesco; Evola Gianpiero;

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Nowadays, advanced hygrothermal simulation tools are available and they are widely used
to predict moisture-related risks in building components, such as mold growth and increased conductive
heat losses. This paper takes advantage of these capabilities to analyze moisture-related risks
in the innovative wood-based retrofit solutions, developed in the ongoing H2020 “e-SAFE” project.
In particular, simulations carried out through the Delphin software for the warm Mediterranean climate of Catania (Italy) allowed assessing the effectiveness of several insulating materials used in the wall assembly and the moisture-related performance determined by adopting either a waterproof membrane or a vapor barrier in convenient positions. The results show that the solutions with highly permeable and highly moisture-capacitive insulation (e.g., wood fiber) are mold free, but at the expense of increased heat losses by up to 12%, compared to dry materials). In some circumstances, foam glass or extruded polyurethane could be preferable, due to their high resistance to mold growth and their flat sorption curve. The vapor-open waterproof membrane applied to the outer side of the insulation is suggested, while a vapor barrier on the outer side of the existing wall worsens mold-related issues.